Membership Maintenance Form

Membership Maintenance Apply the membership with us to enjoy the benefits and maintain your professional standards! "*" indicates required fields Type of Maintenance Type of…

Member Info Maintenance

Malaysia Integrative Hypnotherapist Association Member Info Maintenance "*" indicates required fields Personal Details Full Name per IC* Preferred Name* Preferred Name Surname Phone NumberEmail* Address*…


Malaysia Integrative Hypnotherapist Association Registration “*” indicates required fields Personal Details Full Name per IC* Preferred Name* Preferred Name Surname Phone NumberEmail* Membership ID* Type…

MOH T&CM Evaluation Form

Malaysia Integrative Hypnotherapist Association (MIHA) MOH T&CM Evaluation Form The MOH T&CM Evaluation is to submit the list of Practitioners and Premises by Non-Governmental Organization…


About Membership Malaysia Integrative Hypnotherapist Association (MIHA) Malaysia Integrative Hypnotherapist Association (MIHA) The Membership We have two categories of membership in Malaysia Integrative Hypnotherapist Association…

Membership Application Form

Membership Application Apply the membership with us to enjoy the benefits and maintain your professional standards! Membership Application Form "*" indicates required fields Type of…